
FPSOnline Instructions

The following information should provide all the details you need to successfully operate the FPSOnline web application, If you have any questions, please let us know at office@fpsp.org.au, and we will endeavour to assist.

To share this information with your students, please feel free to send them this link: https://fpsp.org.au/FPSP-FPSOnlineInstructions


Logging In

Open the FPSOnline website via the link: https://fpsonline.org/

Select LOGIN NOW, and select Coach from the dropdown box

Enter your user name and password. 

Note: the username will not be your email address.  User names and passwords are Auto-emailed from FPSOnline.  If you have forgotten your Username and/or Password, select Forgot Password.

FPSOnline Login View

View Team Information

From the Dashboard, select Teams.
This will provide a list of all registered GIPS teams and individuals.

Important: Please do not select the red cross under the Actions column, as this will delete the Team and all the booklets and evaluations associated with that team.

Note: selecting a team from the list will open a page with the teams registration details.  Please do not adjust any entries.  If you believe your team is in the incorrect division, please contact the team at office@fpsp.org.au

FPSOnline View Teams

Add a Student to a Team

To use FPSOnline, all students must be assigned to a team or individual registration code.

From your Dashboard, select Students from the left side menu.
Click “Add New Student” and complete the fields as follows:

  • Student Name (For privacy, use student first name and first letter of surname.  eg. Jane A)
  • Student Email (optional/coach discretion*)
  • Student Grade (Year Level)
  • Student Age
  • Student Username (This can be random or follow a pattern)
  • Team Code (Select the team code from the list. Contact FPS if your team code is not visible.)

Select Add.
Repeat for multiple students.

* Note that if a students email is entered, the student will receive automated emails from FPSOnline, including username and password, and emails with evaluations.  FPSOnline uses the Amazon database to store information, and as such, student emails and other data will be stored outside Australia.  As coach, you may choose to enter your own email or a placeholder (eg. "blank").

FPSOnline Add new studenta
FPSOnline Add new student 2a

Import Multiple Students in Bulk

Set up a Excel file with the following column headings: username, password, name, email, age, grade, team code.
Create user names and passwords for each student.
List the students name, email (optional), age and year level, and assign team codes to match a code from your assigned list.


FPSOnline Sample csv file

Save your Excel file as a csv file.

FPSOnline Save Sample csv file

From your FPSOnline Dashboard, select Students from the left side menu.
Select Choose File, and select you csv file from the folder.
Check your students are all listed with assigned team codes.

FPSOnline Upload csv file2

View Student Work

Once the students complete their booklet, you may view the booklet through FPSOnline.  Or, if they have completed their booklet outside FPSOnline, you may upload the booklet on their behalf.

Select, “View Work” in the left menu.
The “View Booklet” button will open up the virtual booklet within the FPSOnline.
The "Export" button will open a pdf version of the virtual booklet.
If the booklet has been uploaded as a pdf, it will be visible as a button, under the button "Upload GIPS Booklet, ...".  Clicking on the booklet will download a copy.

FPSOnline View Worka

Upload Student Work

To upload the booklet on the students behalf, select the button "Upload GIPS, ...", select the pdf file from your folders and select Submit.

FPSOnline Coach Upload Booklet

View Evaluations

From your Dashboard, select, “View Evaluations” in the left menu.
Click, “View Scoresheet” to view the scores and comments that your students received.

A video tutorial can be viewed here. (Note that this tutorial is the FPSPI version, and some functionality may appear slightly different from the Australian version)

Updating your Account Information

At the top Right Corner of your Dashboard, hover over your User Name and Select Account.
Update any of these fields as required.
Note that Usernames cannot be email addresses as FPSOnline does not support symbols.
Add an avatar or photo from you folder (optional).
Select Update to Save.


Logging In

Use a browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari.

Open the FPSOnline website via the link: https://fpsonline.org/

Select LOGIN NOW, and select Student from the dropdown box

Enter your user name and password. 
Note that the username will not be your email address.  User names and passwords are provided by your coach.  If you have forgotten your Username and/or Password, select Forgot Password.  You cannot change your username.

FPSOnline Student Login

Completing a Booklet within FPSOnline

From your Dashboard, select “FPS Topics".
This will list your competitions.
Hover over your current topic and select "Start Project".
Select “Go To Virtual Booklet”.  (This will trigger a warning window stating that this will start the timer in timed competition.  Please ensure all team members are ready before selecting this option). Select OK.

All links are in the left menu.
Select "Dashboard" to return to the previous view.
Select "Instructions" for details on each step.
Select "Future Scene" to read the FS. (Note the FS cannot be printed from here)
Select Step 1 from the left side menu, then "Enter a New Challenge". Write the details of your Challenge into the box, and select Enter.
Make suggestions on other Challenges using Add Comments button.
Select Edit to update the Challenge or Delete to remove. (Note the Email option is not functioning)
Move through Step 2 and subsequent steps.
After each step is completed, all of the progress bars will show 100%.
Select “Dashboard” from the left side menu and the progress bar to ensure all steps have a green dot.
Select “Submit for Assessment” on the right side of the screen to submit your virtual booklet for evaluation. Submit before the competition timer expires or the entered data will be lost.

Note that if more than one student has the same text area open, some students work will be overwritten.  To avoid this, we make the following suggestions:
For Step 5, coordinate with other team members to ensure that only team member is working on the grid.
For Step 6, we highly recommend that students complete the Action Plan on a collaborative document outside FPSOnline (eg. Google Docs, Word Online, etc.) Once complete, all text should be pasted into Step 6, with a "see attached" note to make sure the evaluator sees the additions, and then diagrams can be uploaded via the Upload button on the Dashboard. 

If students upload an pdf attachment, in addition to the virtual booklet, students can continue to edit the booklet after the attachment has been loaded.

If students copy and paste text into FPSOnline, do not use special formatting, as this may cause problems with Criteria choices and the action plan.

A video tutorial can be viewed here. (Note that this tutorial is the FPSPI version, and some functionality may appear slightly different from the Australian version.)

FPSOnline Student Bookleta

FPSOnline Start bookleta

FPSOnline Student Edit bookleta

Completing a Booklet on paper

To view the Future Scene:
From your Dashboard, select “View My Topics,” or “My Topics.”
You can view your competitions. Select the current topic.
Select “Go To Virtual Booklet”.  (Note that this will start the timer in timed competition.  Please ensure all team members are ready before selecting this option).
Select the Future Scene from the Left Side Menu. (Note the FS cannot be printed from here)
Complete your booklet using your own template.

To view the Upload you booklet to FPSOnline:
Convert or scan your booklet to a PDF (make sure that your names and school are not written on the booklet anywhere)
Select “Upload GIPS Booklet” and select your file. Select “Upload.”
You may double check that the correct file has been uploaded by clicking on it to view it. Select the red “X” to remove and repeat upload.
Note that “Submit for Assessment” is for booklets completed within FPSOnline only. Please do not select this button.

FPSOnline Start bookleta

FPSOnline Student Edit bookletb

FPSOnline Student Upload Bookleta

View Evaluation

Once the booklet has been evaluated, select “My Feedback” on the main menu.

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